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jQuery Mobile panel - check if it is open

I'm trying to check if my panel is open or closed.

I tried like this:

$(document).on('open', '.ui-panel', function(){

but nothing happens.

How I can set up an event listener for jQ mobile panel?

Open isn't a problem, cause I'll just add .panel('open') to button click and then console.log(), but what with close? Panel will close when I'll click outside, how to catch that moment?

like image 764
Daniel Sitarz Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 17:01

Daniel Sitarz

2 Answers

What you need is to check if the panel opened or closed using hasClass

if( $(".ui-panel").hasClass("ui-panel-open") == true ){
like image 106
Kal Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


Okay, I found this:


So what I needed was:

$( ".selector" ).on( "panelbeforeclose", function( event, ui ) {} );
like image 28
Daniel Sitarz Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10

Daniel Sitarz