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jQuery find self

This may sound odd, but I'm working on a plugin that needs to find elements within a div, or the div itself.

The script finds an element based on a user selection, but the contents, including the markup is variable. So the script will look for the element as follows:

$('.block').find(selector); // selector set by user

but there isn't an easy way to have the selector select the '.block'. Selecting the parent before using find isn't a solution, as there are multiple '.block' elements.

I know extending the expr[":"] selector won't work as it is only looking for children. But, I did figure out a way to "duck punch" this method, by making a ':self' selector:

    var orig = $.fn.find;

    $.fn.find = function(sel){
        return (sel === ':self') ? this : orig.call(this,sel);


But this seems a bit over the top. And it will slow jQuery processing a tiny bit with every find function. Is there another way to do this?

Thanks for the answers! But I ended up doing this:

var b = $('.block'),
 el = (b.is(selector)) ? b : b.find(selector);
like image 841
Mottie Avatar asked Mar 15 '11 13:03


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1 Answers

approach with find('*') would be much more CPU intensive and I would recommend:

like image 194
Romans Malinovskis Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10

Romans Malinovskis