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jQuery input value focus and blur

I have the following code so that when a users selects an input box the value will disappear, but the default value will then be re-inserted once a user clicks off it.

        $(function() {
            var defaultText = '';
            $('input[id=input]').focus(function() {
                defaultText = $(this).val();
            $('input[id=input]').blur(function() {

However, that's not exactly how I want it. If a user inserts text I don't want the default text to then override what the user has put. I'm also fairly new to jQuery so any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 962
Karl Avatar asked Nov 01 '12 18:11


2 Answers

In your focus() method you should check to see if it equals the defaultText before clearing it, and in your blur() function, you just need to check if the val() is empty before setting the defaultText. If you are going to be working with multiple inputs, it's better to use a class rather than ID, so your selector would be input.input when the class is "input". Even if it was an ID, you would reference it as input#input.

// run when DOM is ready()
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('input.input').on('focus', function() {
        // On first focus, check to see if we have the default text saved
        // If not, save current value to data()
        if (!$(this).data('defaultText')) $(this).data('defaultText', $(this).val());

        // check to see if the input currently equals the default before clearing it
        if ($(this).val()==$(this).data('defaultText')) $(this).val('');
    $('input.input').on('blur', function() {
        // on blur, if there is no value, set the defaultText
        if ($(this).val()=='') $(this).val($(this).data('defaultText')); 

Set it in action in this jsFiddle.

like image 105
doublesharp Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11


In your blur handler just check if the user has not write anything, in that case put back the default text, like this:

         $('input[id=input]').blur(function() {
            if ($(this).val() == '') {
like image 41
Nelson Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11
