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jQuery ID Selector ("#id") Returns Array

I'm using jQuery v1.6.1 in noConflict mode.

I'm using id selectors such as $j("#divID").value to get values of stored items.

Unfortunately, $j("#inputID") is returning a list of items, so I have to use the $j("divID")[0].value to get the value of the object. The [0] seems unnecessary, since there is, by definition, only one html element with any given id.

Is this the appropriate way to gets values from an IDed object? Or is there a better way?


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Richard Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 23:08


People also ask

What is an ID selector in jQuery?

The jQuery #id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML tag to find the specific element. An id should be unique within a page, so you should use the #id selector when you want to find a single, unique element.

How can I get ID in jQuery?

Answer: Use the jQuery attr() Method You can simply use the jQuery attr() method to get or set the ID attribute value of an element. The following example will display the ID of the DIV element in an alert box on button click.

How do I select a ID selector?

The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element. The id of an element is unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element! To select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#) character, followed by the id of the element.

1 Answers

$j("#divID").val() will work just fine.

Per the jQuery documentation, .val() will return the value of the first element in the set of matched elements.

It's worthwhile understanding conceptually how jQuery works in order to see why it works this way. The result of any selector query is a jQuery object. It's that jQuery object that contains the myriad of methods that jQuery offers. .val() is one of those methods as are things like .fadeIn(), .hide(), etc... Those methods are not methods on a DOM object, but methods of a jQuery object. Because jQuery objects are general purpose and can hold 0, 1 or more DOM objects in their internal array, you get the same jQuery object back from a jQuery selector call whether the results have 0, 1 or more DOM objects in it.

Thus $j("#divID") that contains only one object returns the same type of object as $j(".rows") which might contain hundreds of DOM objects. This vastly simplifies jQuery programming because you don't have to do things differently depending upon how many objects come back from the selector query.

When you refer to $j("divID")[0], you are reaching into the jQuery object's internal array of DOM objects (that was populated on the selector query) and fetching the first DOM object in that array. At that point, you have a normal DOM object, not a jQuery object and you can use normal DOM methods or attributes on it. Occasionally this is required (to fetch the actual DOM object), but usually, it's easier to just use the methods that jQuery provides on the jQuery object. There are lots of advantages to using them such as you can chain multiple requests to most methods and it will iterate over all the DOM objects in it's internal array for you automatically.

For example, you you called this: $j("rows-even").hide() and there were 20 rows with that class, then all of them would each be operated on by the hide() method with no more code than this. Of you could chain multiple methods together like this: $j("rows-even").slideUp().slideDown(). In this case, you're running an animation and jQuery will chain these two animations together, automatically starting the second one when the first one finishes. It's all pretty useful in many circumstances and can save a ton of code over what would normally have to be written using plain JS.

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jfriend00 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09
