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jQuery .html() of all matched elements

.html() function on class selector ($('.class').html()) applies only to the first element that matches it. I'd like to get a value of all elements with class .class.

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Przemek Avatar asked Sep 22 '11 16:09


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1 Answers

You are selection all elements with class .class but to gather all html content you need to walk trough all of them:

var fullHtml;  $('.class').each(function() {    fullHtml += $(this).html(); }); 

search items by containig text inside of it:

$('.class:contains("My Something to search")').each(function() {    // do somethign with that }); 

Code: http://jsfiddle.net/CC2rL/1/

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Samich Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10
