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d3.select by attribute value

I am new to d3. I have something defined like this:

node = node.enter().append("circle")             .attr('id', function(d){ return d.id; })             .attr("class", "node")             .on('mouseover', mouseover_node)             .on("click", nodeClick); 

Now in function nodeClick I want to access a node (or circle) with a special id. I am looking for something that I could use like this:

for(var i=0;i<maxId;i++) {     d3.select(the node with id = i).do.... 

Does anybody know how I can do this?

like image 475
Milad Avatar asked Dec 06 '13 02:12


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attr() function is used to set the attribute of the element that is selected. The name of the attribute and value of the attributes are to be set using this function.

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d3. select selects the first matching element whilst d3. selectAll selects all matching elements. Both functions take a string as its only argument.

How do you use selection in d3 JS?

select() function in D3. js is used to select the first element that matches the specified selector string. If any element is not matched then it returns the empty selection. If multiple elements are matched with the selector then only the first matching element will be selected.

How do you used selection in d3 and also describe chaining method of d3?

From the DOM, D3 selects the body element and returns a reference of the selection to the next method in the chain which is append(). From the filtered content that it received, the append() method works only on the reference element(s) it received. In this case, it is the body element.

1 Answers

Your problem is that ids and names must begin with a letter. So modify your code to prepend a string to each id, e.g.

.attr('id', function(d){ return 'name' + d.id; }) 

Then, you can select a given node by using d3.select( '#name' + i ). From the docs on D3 selections:

... you can select by tag ("div"), class (".awesome"), unique identifier ("#foo"), attribute ("[color=red]"), or containment ("parent child").

like image 77
mdml Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
