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Jquery - How to find an element using class and attribute

I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to find my element. Following i smy structure:

<div class="a" customattrib="2">

in order to find this element can I do something like :

$("div.a [customattrib='2']")

This does not seem to work, is there another way to do this?

Without the class I am able to get the value but I do not think this is efficient enough for my structure:

$("div [customattrib='2']")
like image 845
Murtaza Mandvi Avatar asked Jan 27 '10 16:01

Murtaza Mandvi

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1 Answers

Remove the space:


By putting in the space, you're making it into a descendant selector which finds all elements that match [customattrib='2'] and are inside an element that matches div.a.

like image 148
SLaks Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10
