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e.preventdefault(); not working

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Why is e preventDefault not working?

My problem was simply that another click event was being binded to the element at a later point in the script, overwriting the existing click event and causing e. preventDefault() to fail. Hope that helps someone else that runs into this problem.

What does e preventDefault () do?

preventDefault() method stops the default action of an element from happening. For example: Prevent a submit button from submitting a form. Prevent a link from following the URL.

What is the opposite of event preventDefault ()?

There is no opposite method of event. preventDefault() to understand why you first have to look into what event. preventDefault() does when you call it. Underneath the hood, the functionality for preventDefault is essentially calling a return false which halts any further execution.

How do I stop onclick event?

Bind both handlers with the . click() function and whichever one you bind first can call stopImmediatePropogation() to prevent the second one from running. (Or combine them into a single handler.)

I had a similar problem, in which e.preventDefault() would work on some cases, but not on others. It showed no errors, and using try-catch was not displaying the catch alert. Adding e.stopImmediatePropagation() did the trick, in case it helps anyone (big thanks to wcpro)

i think you may have the following scenerio... at least, this will reproduce the error

you may have an event higher up that is setup for the hover event, that event may be using bind, and even if you call e.preventdefault it will still call the bind first, so you may need to make the one higher up use live instead of bind. then it should work as expected. check this sample.


$('div').bind ('click', function(){ // <-- switch this to live and you will see different behavior

    alert('div click');


$('a').live('click', function(e){

    alert('a click');



The code you've provided should definitely be working (working example). There's got to be another issue with your code.

Try placing an alert inside your event handler to make sure that it fires at all. It's possible that your #ListSnapshot a isn't finding anything.

If something else is wrong inside your handler, that causes an exception, that could prevent the javascript from executing all the way to the preventDefault call. I don't see what that could be in the code you've provided, tho.

I think @David Hedlund's answer is correct, there must be an exception happening. When I write event handlers I use a try...catch block to make sure that the default action doesn't happen. Try this:

$('#ListSnapshot a').live('click', function(e){
    try {
        var url = $(this).attr('href') +' #WebPartWPQ2 .ms-listviewtable';
    } catch(ex) {
        alert('An error occurred and I need to write some code to handle this!');

That way, since e.preventDefault(); is outside the try block, even if an error occurs, e.preventDefault(); will still be called.