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jQuery: How Do I simulate Drag and Drop in Code?


EDIT: Here's a link to show you my sample code: http://www.singingeels.com/jqtest/

I have a very simple page that references jquery-1.3.2.js, ui.core.js (latest version) and ui.draggable.js (also latest version).

I have a div that I can drag around very easily (using the mouse of course):

<div id="myDiv">hello</div> 

and then in JavaScript:


This is works perfectly. But, I need to be able to simulate a 'drag and drop' using code alone. I have it mostly working, but the problem is that the events that are firing are the placeholder events.

If you open "ui.core.js" and scroll to the bottom... you'll see this:

// These are placeholder methods, to be overriden by extending plugin _mouseStart: function(event) { }, _mouseDrag: function(event) { }, _mouseStop: function(event) { }, _mouseCapture: function(event) { return true; } 

Why aren't the events being extended properly in my simulation, but when you click down with the mouse, they are? - Any ideas on how to force the _mouseDrag: property to obey the overriding extension in "ui.draggable.js"?

Solving this would be huge - and I plan to show the major benefits later.

Thanks, -Timothy

EDIT: Here's a link to show you my sample code: http://www.singingeels.com/jqtest/

EDIT 2: Click that link above and view-source... you'll see what I'm trying to do. Here's a snippet:

$(document).ready(function() {     var myDiv = $("#myDiv");      myDiv.draggable();      // This will set enough properties to simulate valid mouse options.     $.ui.mouse.options = $.ui.mouse.defaults;      var divOffset = myDiv.offset();      // This will simulate clicking down on the div - works mostly.     $.ui.mouse._mouseDown({         target: myDiv,         pageX: divOffset.left,         pageY: divOffset.top,         which: 1,          preventDefault: function() { }     }); }); 
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Timothy Khouri Avatar asked Jul 22 '09 15:07

Timothy Khouri

People also ask

How do you drag and drop in jQuery?

Using jQuery UI, we can make the DOM(Document Object Model) elements to drag anywhere within the view port. This can be done by clicking on the draggable object by mouse and dragging it anywhere within the view port. If the value of this option is set to false, it will prevent the DOM elements to be dragged .

What is drop in Javascript?

Definition and Usage. The ondrop event occurs when a draggable element or text selection is dropped on a valid drop target. Drag and drop is a very common feature in HTML5. It is when you "grab" an object and drag it to a different location.

2 Answers

There's a question in the JQuery forum about it. It's not resolved at the time of writing, but may have more information in the future.

EDIT: It was answered on the forum:

I recommend you use the simulate plugin which is what jQuery UI uses for unit testing drag and drop:


You can see examples of use by looking at the unit tests



Thanks to rdworth for that.

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StuperUser Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10


I found a solution that works pretty well. I have the drop event call a function called onDragAndDrop(). That function takes two arguments, the draggable jQuery object and the droppable jQuery object.

$('.my-drop-target').droppable({     drop: function(event, ui) {         onDragAndDrop(ui.draggable, $(event.target));     } }); 

In my tests, I have a function that calls onDragAndDrop directly, but makes sure that a user with a mouse could have performed that action.

    var simulateDragAndDrop = function(draggable, droppable) {         if (!draggable.data('uiDraggable')) {             throw new Error('Tried to drag and drop but the source element is not draggable!');         }         if (!droppable.data('uiDroppable')) {             throw new Error('Tried to drag and drop but the target element is not droppable!');         }         onDragAndDrop(draggable, droppable);     } 

I've found it to be a nice, easy-to-use solution for unit tests. I'll probably end up using it for a keyboard-accessible fallback as well.

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Patrick McElhaney Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Patrick McElhaney