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jquery datatables - get columns from json

In jquery Datatables is it possible to define columns with a server-side script? I need something like this enter image description here

The columns with dates have to be loaded from server. Then number of columns can vary.

like image 915
mik Avatar asked Dec 29 '11 08:12


2 Answers

I think I have found what you were looking for

I will paste some code + post a link to a similar Q' in which you will get much more info...

$.ajax( {
    "url": 'whatever.php',
    "success": function ( json ) {
        json.bDestroy = true;
        $('#example').dataTable( json );
    "dataType": "json"
} );

where json is something like this


"aaData": [
[ "2010-07-27 10:43:08", "..."], [ "2010-06-28 17:54:33", "..."],
[ "2010-06-28 16:09:06", "..."], [ "2010-06-09 19:15:00", "..."]
] ,

 "aaSorting": [
  [ 1, "desc" ]

 "aoColumns": [
   { "sTitle": "Title1" },
   { "sTitle": "Title2" }


here a link to the original thread

Column definition via JSON array (ajax)

like image 180
Daniel Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 15:11


To expand on what Kamal Deep Singh was saying:

You could dynamically create the table on the fly, then apply datatables to it to get datatables' functionality.

// up in the html
<table id="myDatatable" class="... whatever you need..."></table>

and then:

// in the javascript, where you would ordinarily initialize the datatable
var newTable = '<thead><tr>'; // start building a new table contents

// then call the data using .ajax()
$.ajax( {
    url: "http://my.data.source.com",
    data: {}, // data, if any, to send to server
    success: function(data) {
        // below use the first row to grab all the column names and set them in <th>s
        $.each(data[0], function(key, value) {
            newTable += "<th>" + key + "</th>";
        newTable += "</tr></thead><tbody>";                  

        // then load the data into the table
        $.each(data, function(key, row) {
             newTable += "<tr>";
              $.each(row, function(key, fieldValue) {
                   newTable += "<td>" + fieldValue + "</td>";
             newTable += "</tr>";
       newTable += '<tbody>';

       $('#myDatatable').html(newTable); // replace the guts of the datatable's table placeholder with the stuff we just created. 

 // Now that our table has been created, Datatables-ize it

Note you can put settings in that .dataTable() as normal, however, not 'sAjaxSource' or any of the associated data-getting functions -- this is applying datatables to an already existing table, one we created on the fly.

Ok, so it's kind of a hacky way of doing it, but it should work.

There isn't currently a built in method of doing this with datatables dynamically. See here: https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables/issues/273

like image 35
Patches Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 13:11
