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jQuery Children selector question

I have the following code:

$("#Table1 tbody").children().each(function(e){
                // Do something here

The Table1 html table has 2 columns; one for Names and one for a <button> element.

When I click on a table row, it works fine. When I click on the button, the button code fires; however, so does the row code.

How can I filter the selector so the button doesn't trigger the parent element's click event?

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JamesEggers Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 17:01


1 Answers

This is what you want.

It's stopPropogation that will stop the parents.

    <td>The TD: <input type="button" id="anotherThing" value="dothis"></td>

<div id="results">


  $(function() {
    $('#anotherThing').click(function(event) {
       $('#results').append('button clicked<br>');
    $('td').click(function() {
       $('#results').append('td clicked<br>');



Here's a link to an example of it working as well:


You can tinker with it at: http://jsbin.com/uyuwi/edit

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cgp Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 06:01
