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jQuery Ajax returns the whole page

I have a jquery-ajax function that sends data to a php script and the problem is with the return value, it returns the whole page instead of single value.

Thank you for your time and help.

$("#ajaxBtn").click(function(){   var inputText = $("#testText").val();    $.ajax({ type: "POST",     url: "index.php",     data: "testAjax="+inputText,     dataType: "html",     success: function(html){       alert(html);     }   }); });          
like image 946
Sophia Gavish Avatar asked Apr 06 '10 15:04

Sophia Gavish

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1 Answers

That's how it works. You're requesting index.php via AJAX, so you'll get whatever the contents of index.php are.

If you want a particular value, make a new PHP page that outputs just that value, and request that URL's contents instead.

like image 172
ceejayoz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
