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jqGrid editurl value for local editing?



I have a jqGrid set up with local data. I'm not sending any data to the server until the entire form is filled out. My problem is, when a user adds/edits a row, jqGrid attempts to post the results to the server right then.

I tried leaving out the "editurl" attribute from the jqGrid invocation, but this results in a "No URL is set" error when the user clicks the "submit" button on the popup form for adding/editing records.

I tried putting in a single hash "#" for the editurl value, but this also fails.

Any thoughts?

like image 909
Alan M Avatar asked Aug 02 '10 16:08

Alan M

2 Answers

editurl must be 'clientArray' in your case.

like image 189
Oleg Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10


Set editurl:'url', cellsubmit:'clientArray', cellEdit: true



like image 43
Nam Le Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Nam Le