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Post non editable values in jqGrid?



I'm using jqGrid, and I would like to post non editable values to the server. I'm editing row by row (not form). Is that possible?

The column is visible, and I'm using inline editing. The data is posted using "editurl" property of the grid.

** Solution ** I solved it in a completely different way, by not using jqGrids setCell, but instead setting the textbox value using document.getElementById(selr + "_Verksamhetskod").value = data.

Not exactly what I had in mind initially, but it works...

like image 494
kaze Avatar asked May 22 '12 11:05


1 Answers

Just add that to your cell configuration:

editable: true, editoptions: {disabled: true}

like image 118
m3rg Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 04:10
