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jq - How to filter a json that does not contain




I have an aws query that I want to filter in jq. I want to filter all the imageTags that don't end with "latest"

So far I did this but it filters things containing "latest" while I want to filter things not containing "latest" (or not ending with "latest")

aws ecr describe-images --repository-name <repo> --output json | jq '.[]' | jq '.[]' | jq "select ((.imagePushedAt < 14893094695) and (.imageTags[] | contains(\"latest\")))" 


like image 220
Gavriel Fishel Avatar asked Mar 12 '17 11:03

Gavriel Fishel

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1 Answers

You can use not to reverse the logic

(.imageTags[] | contains(\"latest\") | not) 

Also, I'd imagine you can simplify your pipeline into a single jq call.

like image 107
J. Doe Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

J. Doe