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JPQL Hibernate NULLS LAST being ignored

UPDATED - see answer in comment

I'm aware that CriteriaQuery.orderBy does not support NULLS LAST. I was trying to use a TypedQuery and noticed that it seems to just ignore everything after "NULLS LAST" - doesn't throw any errors, just ignores it:

    String sql = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.partnerCode =:pCode and c.activeFlag='Y'" +
            " ORDER BY c.primaryFlag DESC NULLS LAST, c.lastName ASC";

    TypedQuery<Contact> query = em.createQuery(sql, Contact.class);
    query.setParameter("pCode", partnerCode);       

    return query.getResultList();

This returns my result ordered by primary flag descendings, nulls first, ignore sorting on last name.

If I do this:

      String sql = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.partnerCode =:pCode and c.activeFlag='Y'" +
            " ORDER BY c.primaryFlag DESC, c.lastName ASC";

I get both primary and lastname sort, but still end up with nulls first because it's an Oracle DB.

I was mostly surprised that no error message was thrown when I added NULLS LAST and I was hoping that with some syntax tweaks I would be able to get it to accept the NULLS LAST request.

like image 884
headlikearock Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 16:04


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The JPA specification defines that during ordering, NULL values shall be handled in the same way as determined by the SQL standard. The standard specifies that all null values shall be returned before or after all non-null values. It's up to the database to pick one of the two options.

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1 Answers

A co-worker provided a workaround for me. Still don't know why the query ignores NULLS LAST but I ended up using this as my workaround:

 String sql = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.partnerCode =:pCode and c.activeFlag='Y'"              
 +" ORDER BY nvl(c.primaryFlag, 'N') DESC, c.lastName ASC"; 

Note: values for the column were 'Y', 'N' or null. Using nvl I am using 'N' in place of null.

like image 147
headlikearock Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
