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Dropwizard hot deployment

I'm looking for a simple to use system in Java which creates a REST service for me. So I found dropwizard but as far as I can use google it turns out it lacks hot deployment although jetty is able to do so. When using the maven-shade-plugin it takes at least 10 seconds to build the thing. Also my IDE reports that it cannot use compile on save feature (aka hot deployment) when the shade-plugin is involved.

Can I use hotdeployment somehow? Or what can I use instead?

Update: If nothing will fix this I'll probably use a combination of jersey&guice etc which is explained in this post

like image 335
Karussell Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 20:04


1 Answers

You don't have to use the shade plugin to run your service. You could just compile as a regular jar file and I think that would let you use your IDEs hot deployment features.

like image 176
Kyle Boon Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09

Kyle Boon