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Joomla - how to hightlight the menu item for active page



How do you highlight the menu item of the active page?

Thanks! Steph

like image 610
Steph Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 09:12


2 Answers

Please use following Css to Highlight selected/ active/ Current menu item

.menu ul ul{padding-left:10px;}
.menu ul li.active a{font-weight:bold;}
.menu ul li.active ul a{font-weight:normal;}
.menu ul li.active ul li.active a{font-weight:bold;}

This will work 100%.

like image 76
Sajid Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 18:01


AFAIK the active menu position should have a special css class assigned to it. The class is probably called "active". You can target this class with some css rules and you should be done.

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silvo Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 17:01
