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Joining tables from two databases using entity framework

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC 4 web application. I am using Entity Framework as the data access layer, using database first approach (.edmx file).

Currently I have a problem in join tables that are defined inside two different databases (i.e. I have two .edmx files).

For example if I want to join tables I am performing the following query:-

public ActionResult AutoComplete(string term)
   var tech = repository.AllFindTechnolog(term).Take(100);//Call to the first database
   var resources = repository.GetResources(tech.Select(a => a.IT360ID.Value).ToArray(), false);//call to the second database

   var query = from techItems in tech
         join resourcesItems in resources
         on techItems.IT360ID.Value equals resourcesItems.RESOURCEID // join based on db2ID
         orderby techItems.PartialTag
         select new //code goes here

   return Json(query, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

I will have two separate calls to the database, and a join inside the application server, which is not the best performance-oriented solution. Ideally the joins will happen completely inside the database engine.

I know that a stored procedure will allow me to join tables from different databases purely on the server, but I do not want to use SP because it will make my code less maintainable and less testable.

So I am searching for a solution where I can do the join using entity framework and to result in a single database join?

like image 939
john Gu Avatar asked Oct 19 '14 00:10

john Gu

People also ask

How do I join tables in Entity Framework?

First join the first two tables. Employees is the outer table and People is the inner table. Project the properties you want to in the output. Also include those properties, which you want to use in the join condition further down the query.

What is the most efficient way of joining 2 table in same database?

Relational algebra is the most common way of writing a query and also the most natural way to do so. The code is clean, easy to troubleshoot, and unsurprisingly, it is also the most efficient way to join two tables.

2 Answers

If you want to do it with a single database call you will have to create a View in the database that joins the 2 tables from separate db's. Once the view is created you can add it to EF as a single object, which you can manipulate further and Query off of. The view will basically be a table and it will be easily maintable and easy to bind to a strongly typed model

Another way ,similiar like you have posted, you can query separate .edmx files and then join them. Yes, there is 2 calls to the database but it shouldn't be that expensive and probably won't notice a difference.

using(var db = new MyEntities())
using (var db2 = new MyEntities2())
   var one = db.Table1.AsEnumerable();
   var two = db2.Table2.AsEnumerable(); 

   var result = from o in one
                join t in two on o.Id equals t.Id
                // blah blah

like image 104
CSharper Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10


@CSharper's answer is close. As @Oliver mentioned in the comments, IEnumerable loads the table into application memory, leading to crashes if you have a large database.

The solution is to use IQueryable, which can be called with LINQ - this produces SQL which is much faster.

// This is a generic method, modify to your needs
public ActionResult Details(int? id)
   var one = db.Table1.AsQueryable();
   var two = db2.Table2.AsQueryable(); 

   // since you're using MVC EF, I assume you want to put this in a viewmodel 
   // (in this case ObjectCombined)
   // assume "id" is passed as parameter 
   Object1 result1 = (from o in one where one.id == id select o).Single();
   Object2 result2 = (from t in two where t.id == o.id select t).Single();
   ObjectCombined result = new ObjectCombined(result1, result2);
   return View(result);
like image 37
chakeda Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10
