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Join 3 tables in SQLite database

I have 3 tables in SQLite database:


_id | name | length | artist_id (foreign key) | album_id (foreign key) 


_id | name 


_id | name 

I need a query (use it in an Android app) of a table that consists of the following columns:

_id | name | length | artist_id | artist_name | album_id | album_name 

However, I write the following query statement:

SELECT Songs._id, Songs.name, Songs.length, Songs.artist_id, Artists.name, Songs.album_id, Albums.name FROM Songs, Artists, Albums WHERE Songs.artist_id = Artists._id AND Songs.album_id = Albums._id 

but it gives me an empty table. I tried OR instead of AND and it gives incorrect results (every song duplicates in each album, though the artist is correct). How can I fix my query statement to join the 3 tables in a single table?

like image 627
Eng.Fouad Avatar asked Jul 04 '12 01:07


People also ask

How do I join more than two tables in SQLite?

To query data from multiple tables, you use INNER JOIN clause. The INNER JOIN clause combines columns from correlated tables. Suppose you have two tables: A and B. A has a1, a2, and f columns.

How do you connect tables in SQLite?

To query data from both artists and albums tables, you use can use an INNER JOIN , LEFT JOIN , or CROSS JOIN clause. Each join clause determines how SQLite uses data from one table to match with rows in another table. Note that SQLite doesn't directly support the RIGHT JOIN and FULL OUTER JOIN .

Can we use joins on 3 tables?

It is possible to use multiple join statements together to join more than one table at the same time. To do that you add a second INNER JOIN statement and a second ON statement to indicate the third table and the second relationship.

1 Answers

Using an explicit JOIN instead of an implicit one, the following should get what you want, although it is curious that your implicit join syntax did not return correct results in the first place. I have used a LEFT JOIN, to account for songs which do not have an associated artist or album, but that may not be necessary for your data set and an INNER JOIN could be used instead.

I have also added column aliases to eliminate ambiguity when fetching rows, since you have similar column names in most of your tables (id, name).

SELECT   Songs._id AS song_id,   Songs.name AS song_name,    Songs.length,    Songs.artist_id AS artist_id,    Artists.name AS artist_name,    Songs.album_id AS album_id,    Albums.name AS album_name FROM   Songs   LEFT JOIN Artists ON Songs.artist_id = Artists._id  LEFT JOIN Albums ON Songs.album_id = Albums._id 
like image 105
Michael Berkowski Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Michael Berkowski