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Jetty-9 warning: badMessage: 400 Illegal character




I am using jetty-9.2.2 with CometD-3.0.1. I am seeing below warning in my setup. It comes ~4,5 times in a day.:

2014-08-28 08:50:53.712:WARN:oejh.HttpParser:qtp607635164-15194: badMessage:      400 Illegal character for HttpChannelOverHttp@5946f125{r=1,a=IDLE,uri=-}   

There is no details that can be debugged from the warning message. I have already logged a request https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=443049 to provide detailed warning.

Meanwhile I want to know what is causing this warning? Can I ignore this or some messages are lost because of this?

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Anuj Khandelwal Avatar asked Sep 02 '14 14:09

Anuj Khandelwal

2 Answers

Change https to http in the url.

I had the same error, then found out it's because my application did not support https, so jetty cannot recognize the https encrypted request.

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S. Du Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

S. Du

Update May 2017

For Jetty 9.3+ users, you might see a log message that makes this response code more clear.

See Header parse error after upgrade to Jetty 9.3 for details.

Original Answer

The Bad Message: 400 Illegal Character can occur during parsing of a bad HTTP Request.

That is the HTTP error response that the client sees.

Some (not all) situations in which it can occur.

  • The EOL is not "\r\n" (CR + LF) (HTTP spec requirement)
  • The HTTP Method token is either not recognized or has invalid whitespace after it
  • The HTTP Version is not recognized or has invalid characters
  • HTTP Header name does not follow spec
  • HTTP Header value does not follow spec

This message is common on public (internet facing) servers.

You have bad HTTP requests coming in. Why?

  • A legitimate HTTP client has a bug
  • A legitimate HTTP client is not following the HTTP spec
  • A non HTTP client attempted to connect to your server (such as attempting to use non-encrypted HTTP on a SSL/TLS/HTTPS port, or even something as odd as an SMTP/IMAP email client attempting to talk to your HTTP port)
  • A malicious client is attempting to probe your system for weaknesses
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Joakim Erdfelt Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Joakim Erdfelt