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jetty 9: setting up the most basic SSL / https





NOTE: If you want to see the behaviour of this demo app, just go to www.collaborativepowernowinternational.us. Here, select the testssl.PersonController, and you may create a person. Then go and edit the person, where the SSL channel is designated, which will give a redirect loop.

It seems like with Jetty 9 more configuration items went into the start.ini file, I have version 9.05.

In order to test the most basic SSL/https, I am uncommenting the following lines in start.ini:

# SSL Context
# Create the keystore and trust store for use by

# HTTPS Connector
# Must be used with jetty-ssl.xml

No other Jetty configuration changes. I then built the most basic Grails app (has a Person class) where I set certain controller actions to secure, which works fine on my development machine using an older built in Jetty version (that Grails includes). This is done simply by including spring-security-core and then adding the following lines to a configuration file:

grails.plugins.springsecurity.secureChannel.definition = [
  '/person/list': 'REQUIRES_INSECURE_CHANNEL',
  '/person/delete/**': 'REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL',
  '/person/edit/**': 'REQUIRES_SECURE_CHANNEL',


When I access the person/edit action I get a redirect loop in the browser (using deployed WAR file to Jetty 9 on dedicated CentOs 6 machine). This is using the provided keystore that comes with Jetty 9, just uncommenting the lines in start.ini to use it.

The main Jetty SSL configuration page I'm reading is here. What isn't clear to me is, is updating the start.ini file enough? If not, how exactly does one add the lines in jetty-https.xml described in this previous link, i.e. the lines:

 <New id="sslContextFactory" class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory">
    <Set name="KeyStorePath"><Property name="jetty.home" default="." />/etc/keystore</Set>
    <Set name="KeyStorePassword">OBF:1vny1zlo1x8e1vnw1vn61x8g1zlu1vn4</Set>
    <Set name="KeyManagerPassword">OBF:1u2u1wml1z7s1z7a1wnl1u2g</Set>
    <Set name="TrustStorePath"><Property name="jetty.home" default="." />/etc/keystore</Set>
    <Set name="TrustStorePassword">OBF:1vny1zlo1x8e1vnw1vn61x8g1zlu1vn4</Set>

Not sure how to add them, but they also seem a duplicate of the start.ini file lines above.

Can you please help help me get the most basic Jetty SSL running? Thanks much.

If not familiar with Grails, one can simply download it, then create a domain class -- there is a command line option for this. Then give it fields String firstName, String lastName. Then there are commands to generate a controller and views for it -- this is all totally automatic. Then one adds the plugin, spring-security-core. In chapter 16/17 of this doc and as I have shown, when lists which controller actions are secure, such as person/edit.

like image 813
Ray Avatar asked Oct 07 '13 23:10


1 Answers

You actually have enough here for just the Jetty portion of this to be working using the default trial keystore we ship in Jetty 9.0.6 distribution.

Simply the blurb you have above is enough to make SSL work within Jetty. I downloaded the 9.0.6 distribution and uncommented those lines and it works. Well, I had to go into the start.d/demo.ini file and remove the last two lines with etc/jetty-ssl.xml and etc/jetty-https.xml because they would get run twice...but I digress.

If you start up Jetty you can navigate to https://localhost:8443 and it will complain about being an untrusted certificate and then load up the jetty distribution page.

Based on that I would say this is likely some sort of grails configuration issue that I sadly don't know the answer too, sorry.

like image 115
jesse mcconnell Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

jesse mcconnell