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Jest + react-testing-library: Warning update was not wrapped in act()

I am testing my component wit react-testing-library and test works well. I just can't get rid of this warning, fireEvent should by wrapped in act out-of-the-box, but I tried to wrap it again and it did'nt help.

Here is my test case.

it.only("should start file upload if file is added to the field", async () => {
    const { getByTestId } = wrapper;
    const file = new File(["filefilefile"], "videoFile.mxf");

    const fileInput = getByTestId("drop-zone").querySelector(

    fireEvent.change(fileInput, { target: { files: [file] } });

    act(() => {

    await wait(() => {
        initialProps.uploadItemVideoFileConnect.calledWith(file, 123)

Here is the warning

Warning: An update to UploadButtonGridComponent inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).

    When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):

    act(() => {
      /* fire events that update state */
    /* assert on the output */
like image 822
iamwtk Avatar asked Mar 15 '19 10:03


People also ask

Does fireEvent need to be wrapped in Act?

fireEvent ​It's also wrapped in act so you don't need to worry about doing it.

When testing code that causes react State updates should be wrapped?

When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...): act(() => { /* fire events that update state */ }); /* assert on the output */ This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser.

What is act in react testing library?

react-dom/test-utils provides a helper called act() that makes sure all updates related to these “units” have been processed and applied to the DOM before you make any assertions: act(() => { // render components }); // make assertions.

Do I need to use ACT WITH react testing library?

If you're using a library like React Testing Library, then things like the render function are already wrapped in act() , and you generally will not need to use it explicitly. Note that React Testing Library does have it's own act() function, which is simply a wrapper for ReactTestUtil 's act() .

2 Answers

That issue is caused by many updates inside Component.

I got the same, this is how I solved the issue.

await act( async () => {
 fireEvent.change(fileInput, { target: { files: [file] } });
like image 158
Shaphan Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10


In the source code, fireEvent is already wrapped in act().

The problem may be related to this issue, in which async logic (such as a useEffect) is triggering state changes outside of fireEvent:


(Without seeing your component implementation it's hard to be sure if this is exactly what's happening in your case.)

Apparently there are plans to include async handling in a future release, so that this won't be a problem.

like image 32
jaredsk Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10
