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jest mocking on relative path

I'm trying to get jest mocking to work on a relative path. The same code but with mocking fs worked great, so I'm not sure why trying to mock my own modules doesn't work

// myFile.js
const { cacheFile } = require('./cacheHandler.js')

const myFunc = () => {

// myFile.spec.js

const myFile = require('./myFile.js')
const cacheHandler = require('./cacheHandler.js')


describe("my failing test :( ", () =>{
  it("should be able to spy on the function", () => {
    cacheHandler.cacheFile = jest.fn()



jest claims that the cacheFile() was never called, eventhough when I debug this I can see that it reached this function...

What am I missing?

like image 247
Nick Ginanto Avatar asked Jun 26 '17 04:06

Nick Ginanto

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1 Answers

You have to mock it like this:

jest.mock('./cacheHandler.js', ()=>({cacheFile: jest.fn()}))
like image 178
Andreas Köberle Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Andreas Köberle