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Jenkins Pipeline script - return value of a build step

Is there a way to fetch URL of a build step (without waiting for completion) through Jenkins pipeline script?

Here is what I've tried but the return value of build is null.

def build_job = build job: 'dummy_job', wait: false

Trying to fetch URL as follows: build_job.absoluteUrl

like image 657
deebee Avatar asked Sep 26 '17 18:09


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1 Answers

You can get it by using the getRawBuild() method:

   def build_job=build(job:'dummy_job',propagate:false)
   echo build_job.getResult()
   echo build_job.getRawBuild().getAbsoluteUrl()

Don't use the wait: false since the function won't return the expected result. don't use the propagate: false so the job won't fail before the next step if the called job fails.

like image 191
yorammi Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10
