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Jenkins: Add datetime column in history of test



I would like to see the datetime the test run in the history output of jenkins.

enter image description here

I painted the area where I would like to see the datetime of the test run.

Up to now I found no way to configure this.

like image 930
guettli Avatar asked Jan 19 '16 08:01


1 Answers

There is an issue in Jenkin's issue tracker, JENKINS-7844:

A Filter to sort jobs by last run time.
There are sort options for:
S W Job Last Success Last Failure ↓ Last Duration

Please add one for Last Ran.

Useful for seeing what has run in the last couple of hours/days (especially when there is a major build failure).

The issue was created October 2010, and was closed October 31st 2014 with "Status: Resolved" and this comment:

Compact Columns solves this issue

So: check out the Compact Columns plugin. Check "How do I use it?" section. It includes steps to add column in a view.

like image 72
Somnath Muluk Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Somnath Muluk