I clicked uninstall for a plugin and now the Plugin Manager is showing me "Uninstallation pending" for that plugin, however, I have decided to keep the plugin. Since I cannot restart Jenkins and reinstall it at the moment, is there a way that I can cancel the request to uninstall this plugin?
Jenkins plugin's are under $JENKINS-HOME/plugins, [plugin].jpi files (similar content to war files, WEB-INF, META-INF) are located under this folder.
Jenkins extract these files into folder with the same name
$ ls $JENKINS-HOME/plugins/gradle*
gradle.jpi //installation file
gradle.jpi.pinned // flag file for pinned plugin
gradle.jpi.disabled // flag file for disabled plugin
gradle.bak // previous version jpi file
gradle: // extracted folder
help-GradleInstallation-home.html help-GradleInstallation-name.html help.html META-INF WEB-INF
when you upgrade plugin the old [plugin].jpi is renamed to [plugin].bak
the new one is [plugin].jpi this allows the rollback (downgrade) option
So, all you need to do is copy the [pluging].jpi* and [plugin] folder into $JENKINS-HOME/plugins/ folder and refresh the page, you will see it is not pending uninstall anymore.
*always recomanded to keep backup of $JENKINS-HOME dir
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