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JdbcTemplate and SimpleJdbcTemplate

I am new to Spring 3.0 . For DAO access i have choosen SpringJDBC. SpringJDBC provides JDBC Template and SimpleJDBCTemplate . Which one is best. I read in some of the forum SimpleJDBCTemplate going to be deprecated in Spring 3.1. What is the difference between these two.Guide me which one is best.

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Mohan Avatar asked Apr 25 '12 11:04


1 Answers

In Spring 3.x you should use JdbcTemplate.

In previous versions of Spring SimpleJdbcTemplate leveraged new features of Java 5, whereas JdbcTemplate maintained compatibility with pre-Java 5 environments. But now all features of SimpleJdbcTemplate have been added to JdbcTemplate.

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axtavt Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
