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Spring Data Rest: RepositoryEventHandler methods not invoked

I am trying to add a RepositoryEventHandler as described on Spring Data REST documentation to the REST repository shown below:

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "agents", path = "/agents")
public interface AgentRepository extends CrudRepository<Agent, Long> {
    // no implementation required; Spring Data will create a concrete Repository

I created an AgentEventHandler:

public class AgentEventHandler {

     * Called before {@link Agent} is persisted 
     * @param agent
    public void handleBeforeSave(Agent agent) {

        System.out.println("Saving Agent " + agent.toString());


and declared it in a @Configuration component:

public class RepositoryConfiguration {

     * Declare an instance of the {@link AgentEventHandler}
     * @return
    AgentEventHandler agentEvenHandler() {

        return new AgentEventHandler();

When I am POSTing to the REST resource, the Entity gets persisted but the method handleBeforeSave never gets invoked. What am I missing?

I'm using: Spring Boot 1.1.5.RELEASE

like image 742
dimi Avatar asked Aug 26 '14 16:08


2 Answers

Sometimes obvious mistakes go unnoticed.

POST-ing a Spring Data REST resource, emits a BeforeCreateEvent. To catch this event, the method handleBeforeSave must be annotated with @HandleBeforeCreate instead of @HandleBeforeSave (the latter gets invoked on PUT and PATCH HTTP calls).

Tests pass successfully on my (cleaned up) demo app now.

like image 145
dimi Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09


How does your main Application class look like? Does it import the RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration as described in https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-rest/?

like image 45
Marcel Overdijk Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09

Marcel Overdijk