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JDBC: foreign key on PK created in same transaction

I have two tables in my MySQL database, which were created like this:

  id int auto_increment,
  name varchar(10),
  primary key(id)
) engine=innodb


  id_fk int,
  stuff varchar(30),
) engine=innodb

(These are not the original tables. The point is that table2 has a foreign key referencing the primary key in table 1)

Now in my code, I would like to add entries to both of the tables within one transaction. So I set autoCommit to false:

    Connection c = null;        

    PreparedStatement insertTable1 = null;
    PreparedStatement insertTable2 = null;

    try {
        // dataSource was retreived via JNDI
        c = dataSource.getConnection();

        // will return the created primary key
        insertTable1 = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO table1(name) VALUES(?)",Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
        insertTable2 = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(?,?)");

        int hageId = insertTable1.executeUpdate();

        insertTable2.setString(2,"bla bla bla");

        // commit
   } catch(SQLException e) {
   } finally {
      // close stuff

When I execute the code above, I get an Exception:

MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

It seems like the primary key is not available in the transaction before I commit.

Am I missing something here? I really think the generated primary key should be available in the transaction.

The program runs on a Glassfish 3.0.1 using mysql-connector 5.1.14 and MySQL 5.5.8

Any help is really appreciated!

Regards, hage

like image 939
hage Avatar asked May 19 '11 10:05


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1 Answers

You missed something for the returned updated id , you have to do like this :

Long hageId = null;

try {
    result = insertTable1.executeUpdate();
} catch (Throwable e) {

ResultSet rs = null;

try {
    rs = insertTable1.getGeneratedKeys();
    if (rs.next()) {
        hageId = rs.getLong(1);
like image 66
EricParis16 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
