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JAXB: Unmarshal to subclass based on element value





I am trying to parse an XML file using JAXB which contains a list of items. The class of the items depends on the value of an element in the XML.

This is a legacy system and I can't easily change the input format.

For example, given the following XML and class definitions:


@XmlRootElement(name = "root")
public class Root {
    String type;

    List<Item> items;

public class Item {}
public class ItemA extends Item {
    String a;
public class ItemB extends Item {
    String b;

As it works now, the items list contains two Item objects.

I need the items list in the resulting Root object to contain two ItemA objects, one with a="a1" and the other with a="a2".

If the type element is "b", I need the items list to contain ItemB objects.

There will only be one type element specified in a single XML file.

I have seen several solutions using attribute values, but none using element values.

like image 630
John Douglass Avatar asked Oct 02 '22 01:10

John Douglass

1 Answers

Following the tip of Blaise Doughan you could create an XmlAdapter. Unfortunately Adapters are not available on the root level so you would have to add a bit extra code during un-/marshalling.

Root/Item/ItemA/ItemB are plain POJOs without any annotations here.

The Adapter with the adapted types:

public class RootAdapter extends XmlAdapter<AdaptedRoot, Root>
    public Root unmarshal( AdaptedRoot v ) throws Exception
        Root root = new Root();
        root.type = v.type;
        for ( AdaptedItem adaptedItem : v.items )
            if ( v.type.equals( "a" ) )
                ItemA a = new ItemA();
                a.a = adaptedItem.a;
                root.items.add( a );
            if ( v.type.equals( "b" ) )
                ItemB b = new ItemB();
                b.b = adaptedItem.b;
                root.items.add( b );
        return root;

    public AdaptedRoot marshal( Root v ) throws Exception
        AdaptedRoot adapted = new AdaptedRoot();
        adapted.type = v.type;
        for ( Item item : v.items )
            AdaptedItem adaptedItem = new AdaptedItem();
            if ( v.type.equals( "a" ) )
                adaptedItem.a = ((ItemA) item).a;
            if ( v.type.equals( "b" ) )
                adaptedItem.b = ((ItemB) item).b;
            adapted.items.add( adaptedItem );
        return adapted;

    @XmlRootElement( name = "root" )
    public static class AdaptedRoot
        String            type;
        @XmlElement( name = "item" )
        List<AdaptedItem> items = new ArrayList<>();

    public static class AdaptedItem
        String a;
        String b;

Un-/marshalling could be done like this:

public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
    String rawRootA = "<root><type>a</type><item><a>a1</a></item><item><a>a2</a></item></root>";
    String rawRootB = "<root><type>b</type><item><b>b1</b></item><item><b>b2</b></item></root>";

    Root rootA = unmarshal( rawRootA );
    for ( Item item : rootA.items )
        System.out.println( item.getClass().getSimpleName() );
    print( rootA );

    Root rootB = unmarshal( rawRootB );
    for ( Item item : rootB.items )
        System.out.println( item.getClass().getSimpleName() );
    print( rootB );

public static Root unmarshal( String xml ) throws Exception
    JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( AdaptedRoot.class );
    Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
    XmlAdapter<AdaptedRoot, Root> adapter = new RootAdapter();

    AdaptedRoot adapted = (AdaptedRoot) unmarshaller.unmarshal( new StringReader( xml ) );
    return adapter.unmarshal( adapted );

public static void print( Root root ) throws Exception
    JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( AdaptedRoot.class );
    Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
    marshaller.setProperty( Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true );
    XmlAdapter<AdaptedRoot, Root> adapter = new RootAdapter();

    AdaptedRoot adaptedRoot = adapter.marshal( root );
    marshaller.marshal( adaptedRoot, System.out );

with the expected output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
like image 169
Max Fichtelmann Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10

Max Fichtelmann