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Javascripts innerHTML not working for images, but works with text?

Ok, i have a javascript function which toggles the innerhtml of a div tag when a user changes the option of a select dropdown box..

It all works fine with text, but with an image tag it stops working?

Working Example...

function toggle(opt) {
        var d = document.getElementById('div_tag');
        if (opt == '5') {
                d.innerHTML = 'FIVE';
        else if (opt == '4') {
                d.innerHTML = 'FOUR';

Not Working Example...

function toggle(opt) {
        var d = document.getElementById('div_tag');
        if (opt == '5') {
                d.innerHTML = '<img src='path/img1.jpg'><img src='path/img2.jpg'>';
        else if (opt == '4') {
                d.innerHTML = '<img src='path/img2.jpg'><img src='path/img1.jpg'>';

This is what i have on my select and div tags.

<select onchange='toggle(this.value);'>
<div id='div_tag'></div>

Anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong here cos i am stumped.. why would one work and not the other when all that is different is one been the other being text??


like image 984
FoxyFish Avatar asked Jan 17 '23 06:01


2 Answers

It seems to me like you forgot to escape the quotes surrounding your image paths, and its not reading your string correctly, try this

function toggle(opt) {
    var d = document.getElementById('div_tag');
    if (opt == '5') {
            d.innerHTML = '<img src=\'path/img1.jpg\'><img src=\'path/img2.jpg\'>';
like image 159
Ryan Flood Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 22:01

Ryan Flood

Do these changes, replace ' with " at the beginning and end.

function toggle(opt) {
        var d = document.getElementById('div_tag');
        if (opt == '5') {
                d.innerHTML = "<img src='path/img1.jpg'><img src='path/img2.jpg'>";
        else if (opt == '4') {
                d.innerHTML = "<img src='path/img2.jpg'><img src='path/img1.jpg'>";

You were actually using single quote instead of double quotes. path/img1.jpg, path/img2.jpg wasn't being treated part of your string earlier. That was the problem.

UPDATE For you php problem do this:

function toggle(opt) {
        var d = document.getElementById('div_tag');
        if (opt == '5') {
                d.innerHTML = '<img src='+'path/img1.jpg'+'><img src='+'path/img2.jpg'+'>';
        else if (opt == '4') {
                d.innerHTML = '<img src='+'path/img2.jpg'+'><img src='+'path/img1.jpg'+'>';
like image 25
Ashwin Singh Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 00:01

Ashwin Singh