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Javascript truncate HTML text

Does JavaScript have a way of truncating HTML text without all the headaches of matching tags etc etc?

Thank you.

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Francisc Avatar asked Sep 29 '10 13:09


People also ask

How do you truncate text in HTML?

Create a function truncate(str, maxlength) that checks the length of the str and, if it exceeds maxlength – replaces the end of str with the ellipsis character "…" , to make its length equal to maxlength . The result of the function should be the truncated (if needed) string.

How do I truncate a website content?

Select the text you want to adjust, and then select the Styling icon. Scroll down and select “Text Truncation”. Toggle the button to enable the truncate option and enter the number of text characters you would like to display.

How do you truncate a paragraph to 100 characters in HTML?

text_truncate = function(str, length, ending) { if (length == null) { length = 100; } if (ending == null) { ending = '...'; } if (str. length > length) { return str. substring(0, length - ending. length) + ending; } else { return str; } }; console.

4 Answers

I know this question is old, but I recently had the same problem. I wrote the following library, which truncates valid HTML safely: https://github.com/arendjr/text-clipper

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arendjr Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


I had the same problem, and wound up writing the following to deal with it. It truncates HTML to a give length, cleans up any start / end tags that might have gotten snipped off at the end, and then closes any tags left unclosed:

function truncateHTML(text, length) {
    var truncated = text.substring(0, length);
    // Remove line breaks and surrounding whitespace
    truncated = truncated.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"").trim();
    // If the text ends with an incomplete start tag, trim it off
    truncated = truncated.replace(/<(\w*)(?:(?:\s\w+(?:={0,1}(["']{0,1})\w*\2{0,1})))*$/g, '');
    // If the text ends with a truncated end tag, fix it.
    var truncatedEndTagExpr = /<\/((?:\w*))$/g;
    var truncatedEndTagMatch = truncatedEndTagExpr.exec(truncated);
    if (truncatedEndTagMatch != null) {
        var truncatedEndTag = truncatedEndTagMatch[1];
        // Check to see if there's an identifiable tag in the end tag
        if (truncatedEndTag.length > 0) {
            // If so, find the start tag, and close it
            var startTagExpr = new RegExp(
                "<(" + truncatedEndTag + "\\w?)(?:(?:\\s\\w+(?:=([\"\'])\\w*\\2)))*>");
            var testString = truncated;
            var startTagMatch = startTagExpr.exec(testString);

            var startTag = null;
            while (startTagMatch != null) {
                startTag = startTagMatch[1];
                testString = testString.replace(startTagExpr, '');
                startTagMatch = startTagExpr.exec(testString);
            if (startTag != null) {
                truncated = truncated.replace(truncatedEndTagExpr, '</' + startTag + '>');
        } else {
            // Otherwise, cull off the broken end tag
            truncated = truncated.replace(truncatedEndTagExpr, '');
    // Now the tricky part. Reverse the text, and look for opening tags. For each opening tag,
    //  check to see that he closing tag before it is for that tag. If not, append a closing tag.
    var testString = reverseHtml(truncated);
    var reverseTagOpenExpr = /<(?:(["'])\w*\1=\w+ )*(\w*)>/;
    var tagMatch = reverseTagOpenExpr.exec(testString);
    while (tagMatch != null) {
        var tag = tagMatch[0];
        var tagName = tagMatch[2];
        var startPos = tagMatch.index;
        var endPos = startPos + tag.length;
        var fragment = testString.substring(0, endPos);
        // Test to see if an end tag is found in the fragment. If not, append one to the end
        //  of the truncated HTML, thus closing the last unclosed tag
        if (!new RegExp("<" + tagName + "\/>").test(fragment)) {
            truncated += '</' + reverseHtml(tagName) + '>';
        // Get rid of the already tested fragment
        testString = testString.replace(fragment, '');
        // Get another tag to test
        tagMatch = reverseTagOpenExpr.exec(testString);
    return truncated;

function reverseHtml(str) {
    var ph = String.fromCharCode(206);
    var result = str.split('').reverse().join('');
    while (result.indexOf('<') > -1) {
        result = result.replace('<',ph);
    while (result.indexOf('>') > -1) {
        result = result.replace('>', '<');
    while (result.indexOf(ph) > -1) {
        result = result.replace(ph, '>');
    return result;
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Minouris Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


There's nothing built-in javascript. There's a jQuery plugin that you might take a look at.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Darin Dimitrov

There's a mootools plugin which does exactly what you need: mooReadAll at mootools forge

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abidibo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
