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JavaScript to scroll long page to DIV

People also ask

How do I scrollTo a div?

Use element. scroll() to Scroll to Bottom of Div in JavaScript. You can use element. scroll() to scroll to the bottom of an element.

How do I scrollTo a specific div in HTML?

If you want to scroll the current document to a particular place, the value of HREF should be the name of the anchor to which to scroll, preceded by the # sign. If you want to open another document at an anchor, give the URL for the document, followed by #, followed by the name of the anchor.

old question, but if anyone finds this through google (as I did) and who does not want to use anchors or jquery; there's a builtin javascriptfunction to 'jump' to an element;


and what's even better; according to the great compatibility-tables on quirksmode, this is supported by all major browsers!

If you don't want to add an extra extension the following code should work with jQuery.

        var target = $('a[name=target]');
        if (target.length)
            var top = target.offset().top;
            $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: top}, 1000);
            return false;

How about the JQuery ScrollTo - see this sample code

<a href="#myAnchorALongWayDownThePage">Click here to scroll</a>

<A name='myAnchorALongWayDownThePage"></a>

No fancy scrolling but it should take you there.

You can use Element.scrollIntoView() method as was mentioned above. If you leave it with no parameters inside you will have an instant ugly scroll. To prevent that you can add this parameter - behavior:"smooth".


document.getElementById('scroll-here-plz').scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "start", inline: "nearest"});

Just replace scroll-here-plz with your div or element on a website. And if you see your element at the bottom of your window or the position is not what you would have expected, play with parameter block: "". You can use block: "start", block: "end" or block: "center".

Remember: Always use parameters inside an object {}.

If you would still have problems, go to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollIntoView

There is detailed documentation for this method.

The difficulty with scrolling is that you may not only need to scroll the page to show a div, but you may need to scroll inside scrollable divs on any number of levels as well.

The scrollTop property is a available on any DOM element, including the document body. By setting it, you can control how far down something is scrolled. You can also use clientHeight and scrollHeight properties to see how much scrolling is needed (scrolling is possible when clientHeight (viewport) is less than scrollHeight (the height of the content).

You can also use the offsetTop property to figure out where in the container an element is located.

To build a truly general purpose "scroll into view" routine from scratch, you would need to start at the node you want to expose, make sure it's in the visible portion of it's parent, then repeat the same for the parent, etc, all the way until you reach the top.

One step of this would look something like this (untested code, not checking edge cases):

function scrollIntoView(node) {
  var parent = node.parent;
  var parentCHeight = parent.clientHeight;
  var parentSHeight = parent.scrollHeight;
  if (parentSHeight > parentCHeight) {
    var nodeHeight = node.clientHeight;
    var nodeOffset = node.offsetTop;
    var scrollOffset = nodeOffset + (nodeHeight / 2) - (parentCHeight / 2);
    parent.scrollTop = scrollOffset;
  if (parent.parent) {