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Javascript to match substring and strip everything after it

I need to match a substring X within string Y and need to match X then strip everything after it in Y.

like image 919
van Avatar asked Jan 14 '11 11:01


2 Answers


var text1 = "abcdefgh";
var text2 = "cde";

alert(text1.substring(0, text1.indexOf(text2)));
alert(text1.substring(0, text1.indexOf(text2) + text2.length));

First alert doesn't include search text, second one does.


I'll explain the second line of the code.

text1.substring(0, text1.indexOf(text2) + text2.length))


text1.substring(startIndex, endIndex)

This piece of code takes every character from startIndex to endIndex, 0 being the first character. So In our code, we search from 0 (the start) and end on:


This returns the character position of the first instance of text2, in text 1.


This returns the length of text 2, so if we want to include this in our returned value, we add this to the length of the returned index, giving us the returned result!

like image 98
Tom Gullen Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10

Tom Gullen

If you're looking to match just X in Y and return only X, I'd suggest using match.

var x = "treasure";
var y = "There's treasure somewhere in here.";
var results = y.match(new RegExp(x)); // -> ["treasure"]

results will either be an empty array or contain the first occurrence of x.

If you want everything in y up to and including the first occurrence of x, just modify the regular expression a little.

var results2 = y.match(new RegExp(".*" + x)); // -> ["There's treasure"]
like image 23
Andrew Moore Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Andrew Moore