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javascript - Side-effects of freezing a constructor prototype

I noticed that freezing the prototype of a constructor function had a side effect that basically broke constructor chaining:

function A(x) {

function B(x, y) {
    A.call(this, x);
B.prototype = new A();
b=new B(1,2)
// I expected b.x to be 1 here but it's undefined

Here is a fiddle to demonstrate the problem:


Is there a good reason why b.x is undefined at the end?

If this is not a bug, then how come x2 is 1 in the fiddle?

like image 209
Zsombor Avatar asked Oct 04 '14 02:10


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1 Answers

This answer gives a good explanation for what is happening here.

In particular, my mistake was that I did not realize that after this line

B.prototype = new A();

B.prototype became an object that had an 'x' property (i.e. despite the fact that B.prototype.x === undefined is true, B.prototype.hasOwnProperty('x') is also true).

I changed the above line to this:

B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);

and this allows me to freeze B.prototype without breaking the constructor chaining.

Thanks to Quantas 94 Heavy for pointing me to the right direction.

like image 113
Zsombor Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11
