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JavaScript: remove event listener

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Can you remove an event listener JavaScript?

The removeEventListener() is an inbuilt function in JavaScript which removes an event handler from an element for a attached event. for example, if a button is disabled after one click you can use removeEventListener() to remove a click event listener.

How do I remove all event listeners?

To remove all event listeners from an element: Use the cloneNode() method to clone the element. Replace the original element with the clone. The cloneNode() method copies the node's attributes and their values, but doesn't copy the event listeners.

How do I remove an event listener from my website?

Event listeners can also be removed by passing an AbortSignal to an addEventListener() and then later calling abort() on the controller owning the signal.

Do I have to remove EventListener?

If there is no memory leak, the used memory will increase by around 1000kb or less after the tests are run. However, if there is a memory leak, the memory will increase by about 16,000kb. Removing the event listener first always results in lower memory usage (no leaks).

You need to use named functions.

Also, the click variable needs to be outside the handler to increment.

var click_count = 0;

function myClick(event) {
    if(click_count == 50) {
       // to remove
       canvas.removeEventListener('click', myClick);

// to add
canvas.addEventListener('click', myClick);

EDIT: You could close around the click_counter variable like this:

var myClick = (function( click_count ) {
    var handler = function(event) {
        if(click_count == 50) {
           // to remove
           canvas.removeEventListener('click', handler);
    return handler;
})( 0 );

// to add
canvas.addEventListener('click', myClick);

This way you can increment the counter across several elements.

If you don't want that, and want each one to have its own counter, then do this:

var myClick = function( click_count ) {
    var handler = function(event) {
        if(click_count == 50) {
           // to remove
           canvas.removeEventListener('click', handler);
    return handler;

// to add
canvas.addEventListener('click', myClick( 0 ));

EDIT: I had forgotten to name the handler being returned in the last two versions. Fixed.

   canvas.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      if(click == 50) {

Should do it.

You could use a named function expression (in this case the function is named abc), like so:

let click = 0;
canvas.addEventListener('click', function abc(event) {
    if (click >= 50) {
        // remove event listener function `abc`
        canvas.removeEventListener('click', abc);
    // More code here ...

Quick and dirty working example: http://jsfiddle.net/8qvdmLz5/2/.

More information about named function expressions: http://kangax.github.io/nfe/.

If @Cybernate's solution doesn't work, try breaking the trigger off in to it's own function so you can reference it.

clickHandler = function(event){
  if (click++ == 49)

element.querySelector('.addDoor').onEvent('click', function (e) { });

HTMLElement.prototype.onEvent = function (eventType, callBack, useCapture) {
this.addEventListener(eventType, callBack, useCapture);
if (!this.myListeners) {
    this.myListeners = [];
this.myListeners.push({ eType: eventType, callBack: callBack });
return this;

HTMLElement.prototype.removeListeners = function () {
if (this.myListeners) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.myListeners.length; i++) {
        this.removeEventListener(this.myListeners[i].eType, this.myListeners[i].callBack);
   delete this.myListeners;