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Javascript Property with three dots (...)

I have a problem with code I am supposed to work with. I found a syntax I am not familiar with and I have trouble googling the documentation:

export const Something = class Something {
    constructor(someObject = {}) {
        this.someObject = {...Something.someObjectDefaultAsStaticMethod,...someThing};
// The rest of the class

I have problems understanding what the three dots (...) in front of the parameter do. And "dots in parameter javascript" is a bad search term. Can someone help me, maybe tell me what this syntax is actually called or just directly link me to documentation?

like image 645
SomeStranger314 Avatar asked Jan 26 '18 15:01


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1 Answers

That is not ES6 but has only been added in ECMAScript 2018.

It is called "Object Rest/Spread Properties" and is part of the Spread Syntax.

like image 102
str Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10
