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Different views for Desktop and mobile Angular

In the application i am developing, it needs entirely two different views for Desktop and Mobile. Not possible using CSS as content is entirely different.

What I have done?

I had checked whether it is Desktop/Mobile in Routing file using code const isMobile = window.innerWidth < 768;

And in path component: component: isMobile ? MobileComponent : DesktopComponent

This is working perfectly in development environment. But while production build this fails ng serve --prod (obviously Angular 5)


No errors at all, According to isMobile true/false it should load MobileComponent/ DesktopComponent. But it does not load even if isMobile is true/false

Always loads MobileComponent in both Desktop & Mobile. while isMobile value is getting calculated correctly, true for Mobile and false for Desktop

I think the reason is the routes are getting compile already before sending to client.

Workaround tried but not working:

Used a if..else condition, while calculating isMobile and giving that variable (component) instead of ternary operation in Routing file

Any way:

Is there any way I can use to achieve the same functionality?

Thanks in advance

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Harikrishnan N Avatar asked Nov 29 '17 10:11

Harikrishnan N

People also ask

Why Angularjs is not mobile friendly?

When Angular JS was introduced, it was not designed to focus on mobile browsers and did not have in-built support for mobile applications, due to which it is not mobile-friendly. On the other hand, Angular was built such that it could support the development of native mobile, native desktop, web and mobile web.

3 Answers

As I said in the question comment section, route guards would be a good solution for this purpose.

The MobileGuard would look like this :

export class MobileGuard implements CanActivate {
    constructor(private _router: Router, private _mobileService: MobileService) {}

    canActivate(): boolean {
        const isMobile = this._mobileService.isMobile();
        if(!isMobile) {
        return isMobile;

The same for the DesktopGuard.

The user trying to access any of the routes, would be redirected to the right one.

Here is a running example with this suggested solution.

And here is the stackblitz editable version.

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ibenjelloun Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10


Don't use canActivate or route guards, because they need to be used for authentication etc.

New way:

    path: 'your-path',
    loadChildren: () => {
      if(window.innerWidth > 768 ) {
        return import('./your-desktop.module').then(m => m.YourDesktopModule)
      } else {
        return import('./your-mobile.module').then(m => m.YourMobileModule)
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CarbonDry Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10


Directly make changes in the routes like this -

const routes: Routes = [{
  path: '',
  component:  window.screen.width > 767 ? WelcomeDesktopComponent : WelcomeMobileComponent

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Vivek Kumar Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Vivek Kumar