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Javascript performance problems with too many dom nodes?

I'm currently debugging a ajax chat that just endlessly fills the page with DOM-elements. If you have a chat going for like 3 hours you will end up with god nows how many thousands of DOM-nodes.

What are the problems related to extreme DOM Usage?

Is it possible that the UI becomes totally unresponsive (especially in Internet Explorer)?

(And related to this question is off course the solution, If there are any other solutions other than manual garbage collection and removal of dom nodes.)

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Jens Avatar asked Dec 06 '10 11:12


2 Answers

Most modern browser should be able to deal pretty well with huge DOM trees. And "most" usually doesn't include IE.

So yes, your browser can become unresponsive (because it needs too much RAM -> swapping) or because it's renderer is just overwhelmed.

The standard solution is to drop elements, say after the page has 10'000 lines worth of chat. Even 100'000 lines shouldn't be a big problem. But I'd start to feel uneasy for numbers much larger than that (say millions of lines).

[EDIT] Another problem is memory leaks. Even though JS uses garbage collection, if you make a mistake in your code and keep references to deleted DOM elements in global variables (or objects references from a global variable), you can run out of memory even though the page itself contains only a few thousand elements.

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Aaron Digulla Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Aaron Digulla

Just having lots of DOM nodes shouldn't be much of an issue (unless the client is short on RAM); however, manipulating lots of DOM nodes will be pretty slow. For example, looping through a group of elements and changing the background color of each is fine if you're doing this to 100 elements, but may take a while if you're doing it on 100,000. Also, some old browsers have problems when working with a huge DOM tree--for example, scrolling through a table with hundreds of thousands of rows may be unacceptably slow.

A good solution to this is to buffer the view. Basically, you only show the elements that are visible on the screen at any given moment, and when the user scrolls, you remove the elements that get hidden, and show the ones that get revealed. This way, the number of DOM nodes in the tree is relatively constant, but you don't really lose anything.

Another similar solution to this is to implement a cap on the number of messages that are shown at any given time. This way, any messages past, say, 100 get removed, and to see them you need to click a button or link that shows more. This is sort of what Facebook does with their profiles, if you need a reference.

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Sasha Chedygov Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Sasha Chedygov