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Javascript JSON to Excel file download

I have Json data and i need convert json data to Excel file using javascript,

Reference URL : http://jsfiddle.net/hybrid13i/JXrwM/

i am using this code:

function JSONToTSVConvertor(JSONData, ReportTitle, ShowLabel, myTemplateName){

    //If JSONData is not an object then JSON.parse will parse the JSON string in an Object
    var arrData = typeof JSONData != 'object' ? JSON.parse(JSONData) : JSONData;
    var TSV = '';    
    //Set Report title in first row or line
    //TSV += ReportTitle + '\r\n\n';
    //This condition will generate the Label/Header
    if (ShowLabel) {
        var row = "";
        //This loop will extract the label from 1st index of on array
        for (var index in arrData[0]) {
            //Now convert each value to string and tab-seprated
            row += index + '    ';
        row = row.slice(0, -1);
        //append Label row with line break
        TSV += row + '\r\n';

    //1st loop is to extract each row
    for (var i = 0; i < arrData.length; i++) {
        var row = "";
        //2nd loop will extract each column and convert it in string tab-seprated
        for (var index in arrData[i]) {
            row += '"' + arrData[i][index] + '" ';
        row.slice(0, row.length - 1);
        //add a line break after each row
        TSV += row + '\r\n';

    if (TSV == '') {        
        alert("Invalid data");
    var blob = new Blob([TSV], {type: "data:text/tsv;charset=utf-8"});
    //Generate a file name

    var fileName = myTemplateName;
    //this will remove the blank-spaces from the title and replace it with an underscore
    fileName += ReportTitle.replace(/ /g,"_"); 
    saveAs(blob, ""+fileName+".tsv");

this sample code work to csv and tsv format. and i need to Excel format i don't think any idea please help me. pls suggest some example code. Thanks...

like image 946
Elango Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 05:03


2 Answers

I have used the following code Javascript JSON to Excel or CSV file download

change file extension only (reports.xlsx or reports.CSV)

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/xlsx/0.13.1/xlsx.full.min.js"></script> 
    function ExportData()
       data=[{Market: "IN", New Arrivals: "6", Upcoming Appointments: "2", Pending - 1st Attempt: "4"},
            {Market: "KS/MO", New Arrivals: "4", Upcoming Appointments: "4", Pending - 1st Attempt: "2"},
            {Market: "KS/MO", New Arrivals: "4", Upcoming Appointments: "4", Pending - 1st Attempt: "2"},
            {Market: "KS/MO", New Arrivals: "4", Upcoming Appointments: "4", Pending - 1st Attempt: "2"}]
        var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data);
        var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
        XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "People");
like image 76
Inventor Bala Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10

Inventor Bala

CSV, as said, is excel file itself. But, in many locales, csv generated by the script above is opened incorrectly, where excel puts everything into 1 cell. Small modification of original script helps: just replace header with "sep=,".

var CSV = 'sep=,' + '\r\n\n';

Working example with change here: https://jsfiddle.net/1ecj1rtz/.

Spent some time figuring this out, and therefore answering old thread to help others save some time.

like image 21
Dmitry Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
