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JavaScript Implementation of VIM [closed]




I'm looking for variants of Vi implemented in Javascript.

Unfortunately, I've been getting all types of results of configuring Vim for writing JavaScript code.

The only helpful result I've found is JSVI.

Question: are there any other (perhaps more modern) impelmentations I should look into?

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user1383359 Avatar asked Jun 24 '12 02:06


People also ask

Can I use Vim for JavaScript?

Vim is doing pretty well with syntax JavaScript highlighting out of the box. But it's not ideal. Many of the old syntax plugins for JavaScript have troubles with some modern features like arrow functions or async/await. Here are some plugins that will help to fix it.

What is Vim JS?

A Vim syntax highlighting plugin for JavaScript and Flow.js.

1 Answers

You should have a look to Vim.js a full Vim written in Javascript, works in your browser

  1. Persistent ~/.vimrc
  2. Execute JavaScript from Vim.js
  3. Read local files
  4. Read files from Dropbox

Have fun !


If you want something faster there is a VI implementation made by some MIT student here: http://web.mit.edu/~georgiou/www/vi/

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Xavier Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
