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Javascript if statements not working [duplicate]

Pretty straight-forward what I want to do:

  • If the input is 0, it means that they didn't input a number and it should tell you so.
  • When the input is 7, it should say that you got it right.
  • Anything else, it should tell you that you got it wrong.

But it just outputs the "7 is correct" line no matter what the input is, and I can't figure it out what is wrong.

<script type="text/javascript">
function problem2 ()
var number = 0;
var text=document.getElementById("output");
number = prompt("Enter a number between 1 and 10 please" , 0);
if (number = 0)
     text.value = "You didn't enter a number!";
if (number = 7)
     text.value = "7 is correct!";
     text.value = "Sorry, ", input, "is not correct!";
<input type="button" value="Click here" onclick="problem2()">
<input id="output" type="text">
like image 808
xjsc16x Avatar asked Dec 13 '12 01:12


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1 Answers

You're assigning with =. Use == or ===.

if( 0 == number ){

  text.value = "You didn't enter a number!";

Also, be wary of your brace placement. Javascript likes to automatically add semicolons to the end of lines. Source.

like image 196
Josh Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11
