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Javascript for loop efficiency




for (var i=0, cols=columns.length; i<cols; i++) { ... }

more efficient than

for (var i=0; i<columns.length; i++) { ... }


In the second variant, is columns.length calculated each time the condition i<columns.length is checked ?

like image 735
Misha Moroshko Avatar asked Apr 30 '10 05:04

Misha Moroshko

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Which is more efficient for loop or while loop in JavaScript?

Result. I have perform around 10 test and got conclude that while loop is faster then for loop if we are comparing very high iteration execution. for smaller iteration up to 10⁴ both perform nearly same. We observe that while loop take almost double time then for loop.

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Even with these simple tests, loops are almost three times faster.

2 Answers

Any expression that's in the second portion of a for will be evaluated once per loop.

So, here, with your second proposition, yes, columns.length will be calculated each time the condition is checked -- which would make the first proposition faster than the second one.

(That's true for many other languages, btw)

like image 69
Pascal MARTIN Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09


Micro optimizations like this don't make huge sense in a language like Javascript unless you have tested and found the loop performance to be an issue.

However, columns.length must be evaluated on each iteration because the number of columns may change during a loop iteration. Therefore storing the loop limit may give slightly better performance (but see my first point).

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Ash Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
