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Is it possible to call a reducer function from another reducer function (within the same slice) using Redux Toolkit?

I have this small module management slice:

const WorkspaceSlice = createSlice({
    name: "workspace",
    initialState: {
        activeModule: null,
            ["someModule"]: { ...moduleRenderingData },
    reducers: {
        setActiveModule(state, action)
            state.activeModule = action.payload;
        addModule(state, action)
            const { moduleName, renderingData } = action.payload; 
            if (!state.modules[moduleName])
                state.modules[moduleName] = renderingData;

            // state.activeModule = moduleName; <- basically the same as 'setActiveModule'
            this.setActiveModule(state, action.payload.module); // <- 'this' is undefined

export default WorkspaceSlice;

What I'm trying to do is call setActiveModule from within addModule so that I won't have duplicate code, but I get an error because this is undefined.
Is there a way to call one reducer from within another? What's the syntax for that?
If not, is it possible to achieve this functionality in another way, assuming I want to keep both addModule and setActiveModule as separate actions?

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Asaf Sitner Avatar asked Aug 24 '20 15:08

Asaf Sitner

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1 Answers

The slice object returned from createSlice includes each of the individual case reducer functions you passed in as slice.caseReducers, to help with situations like this.

So, you could do:

addModule(state, action) {
    const { moduleName, renderingData } = action.payload; 
    if (!state.modules[moduleName]) {
        state.modules[moduleName] = renderingData;

    WorkspacesSlice.caseReducers.setActiveModule(state, action);

Also, reducer functions have no this, because there are no class instances involved. They're just functions.

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markerikson Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
