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Javascript file links not working properly

I have four different files linked together. Index.html - style.css - script.js - script2.js

script2.js contains a small test script to test and see if it all works, which it does.

index.html contains the following:

    <DOCTYPE html>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.12.1.min.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="script2.js"></script>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
        <div id="container">
          <div id="message">
            <a id="animate" href="#">Transmit</a>

Now my script.js file contains this:

(function () {
    var $animate, $container, $message, $paragraph, MESSAGES, animate, initialise, scramble;
    MESSAGES = [];
        delay: 0,
        text: 'Incoming transmission...'
        delay: 1200,
        text: 'You don\'t talk to anybody.'
        delay: 2200,
        text: 'You don\'t interact with anybody.'
        delay: 3600,
        text: 'Your whole sense of reality is, pretty warped...'
        delay: 5200,
        text: 'Does it bother you that we\'re not real?'
    $container = $('#container');
    $message = $('#message');
    $animate = $('#animate');
    $paragraph = null;
    scramble = function (element, text, options) {
        var $element, addGlitch, character, defaults, ghostCharacter, ghostCharacters, ghostLength, ghostText, ghosts, glitchCharacter, glitchCharacters, glitchIndex, glitchLength, glitchProbability, glitchText, glitches, i, j, k, letter, object, order, output, parameters, ref, results, settings, shuffle, target, textCharacters, textLength, wrap;
        defaults = {
            probability: 0.2,
            glitches: '-|/\\',
            blank: '',
            duration: text.length * 40,
            ease: 'easeInOutQuad',
            delay: 0
        $element = $(element);
        settings = $.extend(defaults, options);
        shuffle = function () {
            if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return -1;
        wrap = function (text, classes) {
            return '<span class="' + classes + '">' + text + '</span>';
        glitchText = settings.glitches;
        glitchCharacters = glitchText.split('');
        glitchLength = glitchCharacters.length;
        glitchProbability = settings.probability;
        glitches = function () {
            var j, len, results;
            results = [];
            for (j = 0, len = glitchCharacters.length; j < len; j++) {
                if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)) {
                letter = glitchCharacters[j];
                results.push(wrap(letter, 'glitch'));
            return results;
        ghostText = $element.text();
        ghostCharacters = ghostText.split('');
        ghostLength = ghostCharacters.length;
        ghosts = function () {
            var j, len, results;
            results = [];
            for (j = 0, len = ghostCharacters.length; j < len; j++) {
                if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)) {
                letter = ghostCharacters[j];
                results.push(wrap(letter, 'ghost'));
            return results;
        textCharacters = text.split('');
        textLength = textCharacters.length;
        order = function () {
            results = [];
            for (var j = 0; 0 <= textLength ? j < textLength : j > textLength; 0 <= textLength ? j++ : j--) {
                if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)) {
            return results;
        output = [];
        for (i = k = 0, ref = textLength; 0 <= ref ? k < ref : k > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++k : --k) {
            if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(4)) {
            glitchIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (glitchLength - 1));
            glitchCharacter = glitches[glitchIndex];
            ghostCharacter = ghosts[i] || settings.blank;
            addGlitch = Math.random() < glitchProbability;
            character = addGlitch ? glitchCharacter : ghostCharacter;
        object = { value: 0 };
        target = { value: 1 };
        parameters = {
            duration: settings.duration,
            ease: settings.ease,
            step: function () {
                var index, l, progress, ref1;
                progress = Math.floor(object.value * (textLength - 1));
                for (i = l = 0, ref1 = progress; 0 <= ref1 ? l <= ref1 : l >= ref1; i = 0 <= ref1 ? ++l : --l) {
                    if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(5)) {
                    index = order[i];
                    output[index] = textCharacters[index];
                return $element.html(output.join(''));
            complete: function () {
                return $element.html(text);
        return $(object).delay(settings.delay).animate(target, parameters);
    animate = function () {
        var data, element, index, j, len, options;
        for (index = j = 0, len = MESSAGES.length; j < len; index = ++j) {
            if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(6)) {
            data = MESSAGES[index];
            element = $paragraph.get(index);
            element.innerText = '';
            options = { delay: data.delay };
            scramble(element, data.text, options);
    initialise = function () {
        var index, j, len, text;
        for (index = j = 0, len = MESSAGES.length; j < len; index = ++j) {
            if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(7)) {
            text = MESSAGES[index];
        $paragraph = $container.find('p');

Which does not work. Why? I don't understand why one file works, yet the other doesn't...

like image 248
Warriorsfury Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 19:12


1 Answers

Your script.js doesn't work because window.CP is undefined. window.CP is part of CodePen to prevent infinite loops from hanging your tab or browser.

Take the original coffee script (not the compiled one) from http://codepen.io/wagerfield/pen/wftcE and convert it to javascript using http://js2.coffee, and use that as your script.js

Here is the converted javascript (use it as your script.js):

var $animate, $container, $message, $paragraph, MESSAGES, animate, initialise, scramble;


  delay: 0,
  text: "Incoming transmission..."

  delay: 1200,
  text: "You don't talk to anybody."

  delay: 2200,
  text: "You don't interact with anybody."

  delay: 3600,
  text: "Your whole sense of reality is, pretty warped..."

  delay: 5200,
  text: "Does it bother you that we're not real?"

$container = $("#container");

$message = $("#message");

$animate = $("#animate");

$paragraph = null;

scramble = function(element, text, options) {
  var $element, addGlitch, character, defaults, ghostCharacter, ghostCharacters, ghostLength, ghostText, ghosts, glitchCharacter, glitchCharacters, glitchIndex, glitchLength, glitchProbability, glitchText, glitches, i, j, k, letter, object, order, output, parameters, ref, results, settings, shuffle, target, textCharacters, textLength, wrap;
  defaults = {
    probability: 0.2,
    glitches: '-|/\\',
    blank: '',
    duration: text.length * 40,
    ease: 'easeInOutQuad',
    delay: 0.0
  $element = $(element);
  settings = $.extend(defaults, options);
  shuffle = function() {
    if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return -1;
  wrap = function(text, classes) {
    return "<span class=\"" + classes + "\">" + text + "</span>";
  glitchText = settings.glitches;
  glitchCharacters = glitchText.split('');
  glitchLength = glitchCharacters.length;
  glitchProbability = settings.probability;
  glitches = (function() {
    var j, len, results;
    results = [];
    for (j = 0, len = glitchCharacters.length; j < len; j++) {
      letter = glitchCharacters[j];
      results.push(wrap(letter, 'glitch'));
    return results;
  ghostText = $element.text();
  ghostCharacters = ghostText.split('');
  ghostLength = ghostCharacters.length;
  ghosts = (function() {
    var j, len, results;
    results = [];
    for (j = 0, len = ghostCharacters.length; j < len; j++) {
      letter = ghostCharacters[j];
      results.push(wrap(letter, 'ghost'));
    return results;
  textCharacters = text.split('');
  textLength = textCharacters.length;
  order = (function() {
    results = [];
    for (var j = 0; 0 <= textLength ? j < textLength : j > textLength; 0 <= textLength ? j++ : j--){ results.push(j); }
    return results;
  output = [];
  for (i = k = 0, ref = textLength; 0 <= ref ? k < ref : k > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++k : --k) {
    glitchIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (glitchLength - 1));
    glitchCharacter = glitches[glitchIndex];
    ghostCharacter = ghosts[i] || settings.blank;
    addGlitch = Math.random() < glitchProbability;
    character = addGlitch ? glitchCharacter : ghostCharacter;
  object = {
    value: 0
  target = {
    value: 1
  parameters = {
    duration: settings.duration,
    ease: settings.ease,
    step: function() {
      var index, l, progress, ref1;
      progress = Math.floor(object.value * (textLength - 1));
      for (i = l = 0, ref1 = progress; 0 <= ref1 ? l <= ref1 : l >= ref1; i = 0 <= ref1 ? ++l : --l) {
        index = order[i];
        output[index] = textCharacters[index];
      return $element.html(output.join(''));
    complete: function() {
      return $element.html(text);
  return $(object).delay(settings.delay).animate(target, parameters);

animate = function() {
  var data, element, index, j, len, options;
  for (index = j = 0, len = MESSAGES.length; j < len; index = ++j) {
    data = MESSAGES[index];
    element = $paragraph.get(index);
    element.innerText = '';
    options = {
      delay: data.delay
    scramble(element, data.text, options);

initialise = function() {
  var index, j, len, text;
  for (index = j = 0, len = MESSAGES.length; j < len; index = ++j) {
    text = MESSAGES[index];
  $paragraph = $container.find("p");


// ---
// generated by coffee-script 1.9.2
like image 175
Uzi Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 23:01
