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Javascript Alert - Removing "The page at ??? Says"

I have a form and I am using Javascript to validate the form so if you leave a field blank it will alert "Please fill in your Name".

If I go to the link directly, it works perfectly. But this is kind of like a Widget so I am using an iFrame to embed it into other sites. When I embed it, and click Submit with an empty field it says: The page at http://www.example.com says: Please fill in your name

Is there a way to get rid of that?

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Drew Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 14:11


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3 Answers

No, there isn't. It is an anti-phishing feature.

If you want a dialog without it, then you have to fake it using HTML elements in your page.

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Quentin Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 07:11


For those who are still looking to use the native alert/confirm, it's not that hard to get past the anti-phishing implementation. This is because the iframe can edit the parent and access it's scope.

Try this:

parent._alert = new parent.Function("alert(arguments[0]);");

The reason this works is because new Function('') does not create a closure and instead uses the scope of where Function is defined (via parent.Function).

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Nejuf Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11


You can use some custom alert plugin. For example http://stefangabos.ro/jquery/zebra-dialog/

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webtech Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11
