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"this" keyword in event methods when using JavaScript prototype object

I'm trying to access the member variables of a prototype class in JavaScript in an event handler -- something I'd typically use the "this" keyword for (or "that" [copy of this] in the case of event handlers). Needless to say, I'm running into some trouble.

Take, for example, this HTML snippet:

<a id="myLink" href="#">My Link</a>

And this JavaScript code:

function MyClass()
  this.field = "value"
  this.link = document.getElementById("myLink");
  this.link.onclick = this.EventMethod;

MyClass.prototype.NormalMethod = function()

MyClass.prototype.EventMethod = function(e)

Instantiating a MyClass object and calling NormalMethod works exactly like I expect it to (alert saying "value"), but clicking the link results in an undefined value because the "this" keyword now references the event target (the anchor () HTML element).

I'm new to the prototype JavaScript style, but in the past, with closures, I've simply made a copy of "this" in the constructor:

var that = this;

And then I could access members variables in event methods via the "that" object. That doesn't seem to work with prototype code. Is there another way to achieve this?


like image 897
Michael Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 17:09


1 Answers

You need:

this.link.onclick = this.EventMethod.bind(this);

...'bind' is part of Prototype, and returns a function which calls your method with 'this' set correctly.

like image 147
ijw Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
