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javaFX. Remove all event handlers (filters)



removeEventHandler() is ok, but what if I don't keep reference on handler ?

Can I remove any event handler(filter) by event type or even all handlers from my JavaFX. scene.Node instance? I guess that somewhere a list of handlers existed, and I can traverse it, and remove what I want.

like image 705
Andrew Avatar asked May 21 '13 19:05


People also ask

How to remove event handler JavaFX?

To remove an event handler that was registered by a convenience method, pass null to the convenience method, for example, node1. setOnMouseDragged(null) .

What is JavaFX EventHandler?

This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference. @FunctionalInterface public interface EventHandler<T extends Event> extends EventListener. Handler for events of a specific class / type.

What event consumes JavaFX?

Consuming of an EventAn event can be consumed by an event filter or an event handler at any point in the event dispatch chain by calling the consume() method.

How do you add a filter to an event?

To register a filter, use the addEventFilter() method. This method takes the event type and the filter as arguments. In Example 3-1, the first filter is added to a single node and processes a specific event type. A second filter for handling input events is defined and registered by two different nodes.

1 Answers

Can I remove any event handler(filter) by event type or even all handlers from my javafx.scene.Node instance?

I don't think you can remove an event handler or filter which you didn't have a reference to originally. You can add extra event filters to filter out processing for events by type or you can set your own event dispatcher on the node and have your custom dispatcher only forward the events you want to the node's standard event dispatcher.

I guess that somewhere a list of handlers existed, and I can traverse it, and remove what I want.

Yes, but that is buried within the private implementation of the Node, so you probably don't want to hack the private Node code to do that.

like image 147
jewelsea Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09
