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Javafx Deployment Issues

I want to deploy javafx application:

It generates the executable file but with following problems:

  • I am not able to set the application icon

  • I am not able to set the custom .iss file or .wix file for the executable

  • Resulting app is installed as Unknown in startup .

  • Resulting app is installed on AppData folder of current user not in program files as other applications

  • It does not create desktop shortcut.

    With verbose output I get following on console:

    add package/windows/sample4deploy.ico to the class path to customize)
    add package/windows/sample4deploy.wxs to the class path to customize)
    Using default package resource [Inno Setup project file] (add package/windows/sample4deploy.iss to the class path to customize)
    Using default package resource [setup dialog icon] (add package/windows/sample4deploy-setup-icon.bmp to the class path to customize)

Following these messages:

I created folder named package in root directory of app and in that windows folder.

So my path package/windows .I added athe resources in that folder such as app icon , .wix file . iss file .

Still it takes the default values

I am not getting what is wrong with it ..

Regards, Sadiq

like image 631
Mohammad Sadiq Shaikh Avatar asked May 06 '13 11:05

Mohammad Sadiq Shaikh

2 Answers

Please update your ant path:

In my case, Netbeans->tools->options->java->ant

Added the Folder that contains the "package folder". So that Ant can search for the icon or image.

enter image description here

like image 68
Premjith Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


This solves Mubasher's question:

.............. ...........



........... ......... ........

like image 22
jaimebl Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
